Ethics and Permits
SASC complies with the regulations and obligations described in its annual research permit as issued by the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE). SASC also has its own internal Animal Ethics Policy and applies for Ethics Clearance for all relevant projects as required.
SASC follows the guidelines set out by the South African Bureau of Standards document.
SANS 10386:2008 Edition 1:
The care and use of animals for scientific purposes (SABS 2008*) and Guide for the care and use of laboratory animals (National Research Council 2011**).
“The purpose of this standard is to ensure the ethical and humane care of animals used for scientific purposes, as well as for teaching activities. Its aims are to:
a) emphasise the responsibilities of researchers, teachers and institutions using animals;
b) ensure that the welfare of animals is always considered;
c) ensure that the use of animals is justified by the establishment of Animal Ethics Committees (AECs) so as to ensure adherence to the principles of Replacement, Reduction and Refinement (the 3 Rs);
d) prevent or minimize pain or distress, where possible, for each animal used in scientific studies and teaching activities;
e) ensure minimum uniform national standards regarding animal care and use;
f) minimize the number of animals used in scientific studies and teaching activities in such a way that this does not jeopardise the validity of the studies or activities; and
g) promote the development and use of techniques which adhere to the principles of Replace, Reduce and Refine animal use in scientific studies and teaching activities” (SABS, 2008).
*South African Bureau of Standards, 2008, The care and use of animals for scientific purposes, South African National Standard 10386, SABS Standards Division, Groenkloof.
**National Research Council, 2011, Guide for the care and use of laboratory animals: Eighth edition, National Academic Press, Washington, DC.